CNIPA Granted Patent Extension

Extension of Invention Patent from the CNIPA-Application for Extension
Invention patent granted by the China National intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) can be extended to the Macao SAR, according to paragraph 2 of article 131 and article 135 of the Industrial Property Code approved by Decree-Law no. 97/99/M on the 13th of December, and article 6 of the Notice of Chief Executive no. 25/2020 on the 26th of August.

Formal Examination

Patent Term
20 years from the filing date

Patent Annuities
Once a year, counts from the fining date in China and the annual fee for the first three years is in filing fee.
- Power of Attorney (must be duly notarization).
- The Copy of Extracts from the Patent Register issued by the CNIPA. Supporting documents of acceptance of the Mainland application (If the respective patent application has not been published)
- Patent Specification (Granted patent document) issued by the CNIPA, including: Front page, Claim, Description and Descriptive Drawings (if appropriate).
Flowchart of Application Process for Extension of Invention Patent from the China National Intellectual Property Administration